Key dates ahead of the December 2020 meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies

As set out in the invitation and agenda which were circulated earlier this month, the upcoming December 2020 meeting will be held remotely. As a result, some changes are required to usual meeting practices and the official Rules of Procedure. Therefore, a number of key documents have now been issued, which invite Member States to provide feedback in advance in order to facilitate the smooth running of the remote sessions. The three documents requiring feedback are: IOPC/NOV20/1/3, IOPC/NOV20/1/3/1 and IOPC/NOV20/1/3/2.
Feedback on the information and proposals contained in those particular documents should be submitted to the Secretariat no later than 23 October 2020.
Delegations wishing to present documents related to other matters should do so by no later than 4 November 2020.
Since only those delegates who have registered and submitted credentials (if required) in advance will be sent a link and joining instructions to the virtual meeting, for practical reasons it is recommended that credentials should be submitted and participants should register for the meeting no later than 20 November 2020.
Further information about the meeting can be found under the Governing Bodies page of the website.