Publications available in other languages

A new ‘Other Publications‘ page is now available and includes the Text of Conventions and Claims Manual in Arabic, which were published in cooperation with the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) and have been translated based on the official version published by the IOPC Funds. The IOPC Funds intends to continue to work with PERSGA to complete this project and produce the full Claims Information Pack in Arabic.
Publications are usually produced in the official working languages of the IOPC Funds, namely English, French and Spanish. However, as in the case above, from time to time the Secretariat collaborates with Member States and other organisations to produce key publications in other languages. This assists the IOPC Funds in its endeavours to engage with more States, particularly in relation to the implementation of the Conventions and also in relation to raising States’ and potential claimants’ awareness of the international liability and compensation regime and claims processes.
Only the official original text of the Conventions in English, French and Spanish would be taken into account by the 1992 Fund in the event of claims being submitted as a result of oil pollution damage.