Regional Damage Assessment Workshop, Doha, Qatar
On 8-10 March 2015, Ms Chiara Della Mea, Claims Manager and Mrs Chrystelle Collier, Claims Administrator, together with representatives from the Gard Club and ITOPF contributed to the Damage Assessment Workshop organised in Doha, Qatar by MEMAC (Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre) for the States members of the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME). Around 45 participants attended the workshop from government departments, local authorities and the industry from Qatar, Bahrain, Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
The workshop included presentations on the legal framework of the international liability and compensation regime, the role of P&I Clubs and other ship-source pollution compensation regimes, oil fate and effects and response options, clean-up claims, property damage and tourism claims, environmental damage claims and wreck removal claims.
The IOPC Funds were delighted with the active and positive participation of all delegates during the workshop.