Revised agenda issued for the November 2021 meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies

A revised provisional agenda and timetable have been issued for the upcoming November 2021 meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies to take into account a change in format for the ballot procedure for the appointment of the next Director (IOPC/2021/Circ.8).
The meeting will still be held remotely via the KUDO platform as originally planned; however, since restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic within the United Kingdom have been lifted and delegations are now permitted in the main conference hall, the election of the next Director will take place in person by roll call during dedicated private meetings. In addition, representatives of Member States will be issued a link to attend those meetings remotely. However, it will not be possible to vote online.
Since a vote will take place, Member States are reminded to submit their credentials by the recommended deadline of Friday, 15 October. Any delegations who have not registered for the meeting or whose credentials are not in order at the time of the vote will not be entitled to cast their ballot.
General information regarding the meeting and the role and composition of each governing body is available here.